Peterson's Test and Career Prep

Prepare for standardized tests with eBooks, online courses, and full-length practice tests for GED, SAT, ACT, AP, PSAT, GRE, LSAT, MCAT, TOEFL, U.S. citizenship, and more in Gale Presents: Peterson's Test and Career Prep. Research undergraduate and graduate programs, find tuition assistance, and explore and prepare for careers whether you're entering the workforce for the first time or searching for new opportunities. A variety of interactive methods prompt personalized career recommendations and insight on programs, knowledge, skills, and ability. Search for jobs and create visually interesting resumes, cover letters, and websites that can be externally shared with prospective employers, using prebuilt templates. 

Driving Tests

Driving Tests provides patrons with unlimited access to official state driver's manuals, online practice tests for car, motorcycle and commercial driver's license (CDL), an exam simulator, and a MVD-related FAQ. Driving Tests helps patrons pass their driving knowledge test faster and more effectively - learner drivers who take the practice tests and read the official manual are 73% more likely to pass than those who study the manual alone. The program is designed to help aspiring as well as more experienced drivers (teenagers, newcomers, renewal applicants or senior citizens). Tests can be accessed from any computer or mobile device.